Beacon Registration Requirements


For security reasons, your online session expires after 30 minutes of inactivity.
To streamline the registration process, please gather all the information that is needed to complete the required fields before you begin the online registration process. You cannot save partial registrations.

Required Registration Information

Beacon Information

  • Beacon ID. You will find this number ON the beacon; it can be called a "UIN" or "Hex ID" or "15-Hex ID" or "23-Hex ID."
  • Beacon manufacturer name
  • Beacon model number

Owner/Operator Information

  • Owner name and mailing address (you will receive a hardcopy of your registration & your beacon decal at this address)
  • Owner phone number and type (e.g., home, cell, work)—at least one phone number must be entered

Vessel/Aircraft/Usage Information

  • Usage:  select commercial, non-commercial, government military, or government non-military (pull-down list)
  • EPIRBs Only:  Vessel name, color, length, capacity (crew & passengers), number of lifeboats and/or life rafts (enter 0 if none), home port (marina/dock name, city, & state)
  • ELTs Only:  Tail number, aircraft manufacturer, model, color, seating capacity, principal airport (name, city, & state)

Emergency Contact Information

  • At least ONE emergency contact name, phone number, & phone number type (home, cell, work) must be provided as a Primary 24-hour Emergency Contact.
    IMPORTANT:  Do NOT repeat the Owner/Operator information in this section. SAR forces may reach out to your emergency contacts when beacon activation occurs, so please provide information for individuals who usually know your travel plans but do not accompany you.
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Non-Required Registration Information

The information below (described by beacon type) can be entered in your beacon registration, but is not required.

If you would like to enter NON-REQUIRED information that is not available to you during initial registration, you may update your completed registration online at any time to enter that information.


  • Checksum
  • Serial Number
  • Aircraft Type (selectable from a list)
  • Radio Equipment (selectable from a list)
  • Survival Equipment (enter description and quantity for deployable or fixed survival equipment)
  • Additional Data is a text field in which you can enter flight plan information


  • Checksum
  • Serial Number
  • Question regarding Simplified Voyage Data Recorder (select yes or no)
  • Radio Equipment (selectable from a list)
  • Vessel Telephone Numbers:  radio call sign, vessel cellular, vessel MMSI #, AIS MMSI #, Inmarsat (satellite phone)
  • Federal/State Registration Number
  • Additional Data is a text field in which you can enter float plan information


  • Checksum
  • Serial Number
  • Specific usage (selectable from a list)
  • Type for vehicle or vessel (selectable from a list)
  • Radio Call Sign, Vessel MMSI #, AIS MMSI # (if used on a boat)
  • Aircraft Tail Number (if used on aircraft)
  • Additional Data is a text field in which you can enter hike plan information if using on land, and vessel or aircraft information if using in water or air (name, color, identifying marks, float or flight plans)
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